What photos have I taken?
The start of end of year trip and I had a delay getting out of Canberra, still there are worst places to be stuck than the lounge.

What have I been watching?
I started The Good Place on Netflix again. It’s one of the shows they release episodes weekly, which is awesome because we don’t need wait for the whole thing to air in the States before coming here, and also TERRIBLE because I can’t just binge the whole thing in one sitting.
Season 3 is off to a strong start. I’m just a little concerned they try to turn this into something that goes for 5 or 6 season and really runs out of steam.
When I ran out of The Good Place episodes Netflix recommended Great News. The trailer had Tina Fey so I thought it would good. Season 1 doesn’t seem to have Tina Fey, but it’s ok as a US sitcom, and I’m hoping it gets better when she turns up in season 2 (?).
What have I been listening to?
I just downloaded ALL THE PODCASTS on to my phone for the next few flights. I managed to save up 2 No Such Thing episodes, so I am looking forward to those.
What have I been playing?
Super Smash Bros.
Will brought his eldest kid over to play Super Smash Bros. during the week. It was great that we could all play co-op as a team against another team of CPU enemies. Made it quite playable for an 8 year old.
While the second test was on in Perth I managed to get the TV playing on my laptop so I could play Super Smash Bros. on the TV, while ABC Grandstand was on my radio with the commentary.
This will be my last of these for a while I expect. I am about to head off on a trip and I’ll be doing my awkward travel blogs full of photos. The usual disclaimer that I probably won’t get anything posted until months after I return still applies.