Tag: travel

  • Day 4 – Iceland to Helsinki – Midsummer

    Day 4 – Iceland to Helsinki – Midsummer

    Today started early, again. 4 AM alarm, got dressed, checked out, and into the car.

    We negotiated the rather quiet and slightly familiar streets back to the highway to the airport. There were hardly any cars, but there were some roadworks at 4:30AM! Good time to do them, no one about. Dropped off the car, walked the 1.5km back to the terminal, and lined up for baggage drop. They asked to see passports, but only to confirm our tickets. Dad asked about passport control, “Not until you return to the UK.” Ha! Jokes on you, I mean, of course, not until we return to the UK.

  • Day 3 – Iceland

    Day 3 – Iceland

    Even the town drunk speaks English

    We had finally started getting onto GMT, and woke after 7, without an alarm.

    Today was spent around Reykjavik. First stop was the Leifer Erricson monument out the front of Hall church. They have a lift to take you up 8 stories in the bell tower. Much easier than stairs. From there you can see most of Reykjavik.

  • Day 2 – Skaftafelljökull, Iceland

    Day 2 – Skaftafelljökull, Iceland

    It’s only a 700km round trip.

    Day two started early again. Awake before 7 without an alarm. Breakfast, gear check, and we headed off again. Down the same tourist route, but this time along the southern coast towards some more waterfalls and a glacier or two.

  • It’s Alive!

    It’s Alive!

    I am no longer carrying around a 1.3KG (stylish) paper weight in the backpack. The MacBook Air is back, and no thanks to Apple, well a little, but I still hate them.

    On returning to Finland I set off to try and find the Apple (non-official ‘Retail’) store. Between the hotel and the shopping centre I actually passed two Apple service centres, one was closed until late July. I forged on towards the one I had checked out online. They told me they couldn’t help, but told me where to find their chain’s service centre, just a block over. So I set off and managed to find it fairly quickly. I explained my predicament, and showed them the laptop. They understood the issue, but weren’t able to help.

  • Who said iPads were productive?

    So the laptop wont boot/stay operational for more than 30 seconds. Much Googling and attempts to do a verify disk on the SSD resulted in nothing. Even Single User Mode crapped out. Either the SSD or the logic board (motherboard – stupid Apple and their special names…) are dead. The SSD even disappeared from Finder and the Disk Utility. I was concerned and alert, but not alarmed, no I was franking out. I have two tablets on this trip, and one of them has a magical cable that can connect an SD card to it to import photos. So it can still go through some JPGs from my Pentax Q. But I couldn’t process any DNG files from my DSLR.
