Tag: racing

  • Singapore – 2019 – Gardens by the Bay

    Singapore – 2019 – Gardens by the Bay

    The good thing about the Singapore Grand Prix being run in the evening is that there is no rush to get up and head out first thing in the morning. The most urgent thing before lunch is making sure you get to the hotel breakfast before they stop serving. It also means when you do…

  • Singapore Grand Prix – 2019

    Singapore Grand Prix – 2019

    Part I The last time I was in Singapore was just a few months ago, after my 6 weeks in Europe. I had planned to do a few things in Singapore on the way through back to Australia but I ended up spending most of the time in my hotel room after eating a dodgy…

  • Cรดte de Bohissau

    Cรดte de Bohissau

    When traveling I have a bad habit of arriving in, or leaving from, a country within days of a major sporting event. One year I think I missed two Grand Prix races in a month. When we were in Singapore last the grandstands for the Grand Prix were still up, and dad managed to stand…