Tag: photography

  • Lausanne – Day 2

    Lausanne – Day 2

    The next day was the first day of Dad’s conference. Mum and I walked up the street to try and negotiate the buses. We found a bus stop which had a machine for getting tickets, but it only accepted coins or bus pass ticket card things – of which we had neither. The bus arrived…

  • Geneva


    After our tour of CERN, Mum and I headed back into Geneva for some lunch, and to look around.

  • Barcelona and Andorra

  • Montserrat


    While in Barcelona I had a day trip out to Montserrat. It is just over an hour out of Barcelona by coach. I got a couple of trains through the subway to the tour centre, before jumping on the tour coach.

  • The Magic Fountains

    The Magic Fountains

    A very popular attraction in Barcelona is the Magic Fountain. They are outside the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya – National Art Museum of Catalonia in the avenue running down to the Arenas and the Torres Venecianes. They generally have a performance 3-4 times a week, depending on the season, and were first shown during the Great Universal…