I had a busy weekend last weekend, my parents were visiting from Melbourne. They chose a good weekend for it. It was the Canberra Day long weekend, so we had Enlighten and the Balloon Spectacular to keep us busy. I’m not good at organising activities when my parents visit, spending most of my downtime in front of a TV.
The first event we all went to was Enlighten, and the Night Noodle Market. Canberrans are very experienced at lining up for overpriced food from temporary food vans parked on the grass.
The lights this year were very similar to last year, and the year before that, and the year before that…

The best display is always Questacon, probably because it is a giant white screen that makes it easy to project onto. This year it was celebrating 50 years since the moon landing and the part Honeysuckle Creek (and Parkes) near Canberra played in receiving the broadcast.

Calcium Nitrogen Boron Erbium Radium