Tag: music

  • 5 December 2021 – It’s been a while

    I know it’s cliche to say that is has been a while, nearly 18 months or so, since I did one of these. Good news, I have written some other blog posts over the last while, but not one of these. I also took the time to go over why I can’t decide which camera I like the most.


    This year I have managed to take some photos, and am still very much enjoying it. Despite everything I managed to get to the NT in May for just over a week. I still don’t know how we managed it between all the lock downs. That was of course fantastic for photography – I really should write a post about that soon …

  • 28 June 2020 – 15 weeks working at home

    28 June 2020 – 15 weeks working at home

    I’ve been working at home for 15 weeks now. My last update was after just two weeks. I am now well ensconced in my study, and settled into a routine. I don’t know how good that routine is, but it is one.

    Over the last while I have also upgrade the study somewhat. I now have a legit green screen. A giant green sheet that covers a bookcase a couch, and the door out. I’ll be honest, I have probably put too much effort into it. I have a lamp to ensure even lighting of the background.

    My default background is actually a photo of my study, it adds to the surprise when I am suddenly sitting in a fire pit surrounded by flames, or on a rollercoaster. My niece also likes it when I can transport to different places on Skype, or being up photos of the planets behind me to talk about them.

  • 27 October 2019

    It’s been a while since I did one of these updates, but I have managed to write a few blogs on China, my short trip to Singapore, and I even managed to get one more from Finland in January.

    I’ve managed to finish editing my photos from Sweden, so that’ll be next.


    I haven’t taken many photos this week. I was planning on going to the Canberra Nara Candle Festival, but it was cancelled due to bad weather.

    There is a large family of magpies living in my street. I think there could be around 20. They haven’t swooped me yet, which is good. When I was 4 or 5 I was swooped – I don’t remember a lot, other than there was a lot of blood.

  • 21 April 2019

    Day 3 of a 4 day weekend.

    I started the weekend with a sore throat, but it seems to have retreated. I spent this morning making two trips to Bunnings. Nothing of note can be achieved in one trip, it always takes two.

    I’ve been playing a some Starcraft II on my PC connected to my TV. Other games I can play with a controller on the couch, but this really needs a keyboard and mouse. I had been playing with them on the coffee table, but this makes it a lot more comfortable to sit on the couch and use the computer.


    Last weekend I put up a new blog post with a lot of photos from a national park just outside Helsinki. I enjoyed that day trip a lot, and it was good to go back through the photos.

    This weekend I’ve been going through my photos from Oulu in Finland, not ones from the two nights chasing the aurora, but ones from around the town. I hope to have those ones up this week.

  • 31 March 2019

    31 March 2019

    It’s been a busy couple of weeks. Work has been mostly nuts. I have gotten used to commuting by bus, and there are work weeks when I won’t use my car at all. I am now dreading the new Canberra Transport bus timetable.

    The bus to Civic from my suburb is being cancelled and I will have a 30min walk in the morning to catch a bus, or have to change buses. Either way, it’s a 50% increase on my commute each morning, which is pants.


    Photos this week were from my commute, either coming or going.

    Earlier in the week I jumped off the bus a couple of stops early on the way home to play Pokemon, and battle in a gym. The sky threatened to open up, but never did. #TeamPixel

    Last week I did eventually get through my photos from my first day in Helsinki.
