Tag: gaming

  • 5 December 2021 – It’s been a while

    I know it’s cliche to say that is has been a while, nearly 18 months or so, since I did one of these. Good news, I have written some other blog posts over the last while, but not one of these. I also took the time to go over why I can’t decide which camera I like the most.


    This year I have managed to take some photos, and am still very much enjoying it. Despite everything I managed to get to the NT in May for just over a week. I still don’t know how we managed it between all the lock downs. That was of course fantastic for photography – I really should write a post about that soon …

  • 17 February 2019

    I got back from my trip earlier this week, but I don’t go back until Monday. I haven’t been up to much this week, still gettin over a chest infection and food poisoning.

    I have managed to move my jetlag affected wake up time from 4AM to 6AM, so that’s nice.

    In efforts to ease my way back into work after nearly two months off I’ve caught up with friends to catch up on all the goings ons, and found my new desk.

    What photos have I taken?

    I haven’t taken any photos since getting back, but I have started to go through more of my photos from my trip. I spent some time editing together some of my drone footage from Finland.

  • 23 Dec 2018

    What photos have I taken?

    The start of end of year trip and I had a delay getting out of Canberra, still there are worst places to be stuck than the lounge.
