Tag: food

  • Singapore 2019 – Being a tourist

    Singapore 2019 – Being a tourist

    To avoid rushing out of Singapore after the race with everyone else we added a day to the hotel / GP package. After the appropriate amount of being lazy watching we set out to catch a bus to the train station. There were a couple of numbers we could catch and we jumped on the…

  • China – Part 1 – Food and shopping

    China – Part 1 – Food and shopping

    I studied Chinese in high school, all the way to year 12, though I barely remember any now. I’ve eaten with chopsticks since I was a kid. I just remember chopsticks being in the cutlery drawer with everything else, like the little cake forks you use to eat cake. They’ve always just been there. I’ve…

  • Cooking with Fire

    Cooking with Fire

    On our second day in Chiang Mai my sister organised for a Thai cooking lesson. We were picked up from the hotel in a songthaew (or สี่ล้อ / S̄ī̀ l̂x – four wheels). The car did a lap of Chiang Mai picking up other groups are other hotels. One group got in the back with…

  • Milano – Second Part

    Milano – Second Part

    After taking several hundred photos in the morning I caught up with a friend for lunch. We agreed on a sandwich bar researched on Foursquare. The sandwich was good, but the coffee was amazing.

  • 30 some hours in Seoul

    30 some hours in Seoul

    Part 2, the rest or about 16km of walking… The next day I had breakfast in the hotel and waited for Alex and his wife, Lyn, to meet me before we headed out for the day. I got a message saying they were going to be a bit late, so I should head out in…