I’ve had this blog post in my head for a little while. I have a bunch of different cameras that are great in different scenarios. I don’t think any of them are ‘better’ than any other, they are all different. They have different capabilities. Some are better at sports, some are better in low light. Some weigh over a kilogram, some fit in a pocket.
(more…)Category: tech
It’s Alive!
I am no longer carrying around a 1.3KG (stylish) paper weight in the backpack. The MacBook Air is back, and no thanks to Apple, well a little, but I still hate them.
On returning to Finland I set off to try and find the Apple (non-official ‘Retail’) store. Between the hotel and the shopping centre I actually passed two Apple service centres, one was closed until late July. I forged on towards the one I had checked out online. They told me they couldn’t help, but told me where to find their chain’s service centre, just a block over. So I set off and managed to find it fairly quickly. I explained my predicament, and showed them the laptop. They understood the issue, but weren’t able to help.