Category: SweetChilly

  • Copenhagen (Night)

    Copenhagen (Night)

    After enjoying walking and bussing around Copenhagen during the day, I went out for an evening walk with my camera and a tripod.

  • Copenhagen Day Trips – Helsingør

    Copenhagen Day Trips – Helsingør

    From Copenhagen I was able to catch a train about 50km north up the coast of Øresund (the Strait) to Helsingør, a town of around 63,000. On the eastern most point, closest to Sweden, is Kronborg Castle.

  • Copenhagen (Day)

    Copenhagen (Day)

    First day in Copenhagen. While I had flown into Copenhagen and left the airport about 6 years ago, this was really my first time in Denmark.

  • Going for a drive

    Going for a drive

    Out for a drive north of Trondheim looking for photos.

  • Trondheim Cathedral at night

    Trondheim Cathedral at night

    After visiting during the day I went back at night to try and get some photos of the Cathedral. One of the advantages of being so far north at this time of year is that “night time” is anytime after about 4pm, and by 6 or 7pm it is very dark.