Category: China

  • One, Big China

    One, Big China

    One, big China. 1.4 billion people is a lot of people, but the whole scale of China is different and while the cities are huge, and there are people everywhere, it never felt like there were 1.4 billion people competing for space.

  • Historic, since 1982

    Historic, since 1982

    China is old. It’s been around for a while, but there is a lot of stuff that didn’t seem that old at all.

  • Getting Around China

    Getting Around China

    The level of electrification of transport in Beijing was well beyond what I had expected. Electric vehicles were everywhere.

  • China – Part 1 – Food and shopping

    China – Part 1 – Food and shopping

    I studied Chinese in high school, all the way to year 12, though I barely remember any now. I’ve eaten with chopsticks since I was a kid. I just remember chopsticks being in the cutlery drawer with everything else, like the little cake forks you use to eat cake. They’ve always just been there. I’ve…