Category: Japan

  • 30 some hours in Seoul

    30 some hours in Seoul

    Part 1, about 14 hours.

    I had an early start today, a very early start. I had to catch the first train out of Shinjuku going to the airport for my whirlwind trip to Seoul, Korea. To make getting around easier I arranged to leave my suitcase at the hotel in Tokyo, and just take a backpack with me.

  • Kyoto Imperial Palace

    Kyoto Imperial Palace

    At our first day in Kyoto we went to the Imperial Palace only to find that we needed to book a tour at a specific time. As soon as this happened I of course remembered that this is exactly what happened last time I was here.

  • Kyoto by Bus – The Golden Pavilion

    Kyoto by Bus – The Golden Pavilion

    I like trains. I’ve mentioned this before, several times. I don’t like buses. Buses were part of my commute to high school for several years, but I never enjoyed them and after a while I just started walking from the train station to school. Today, armed with a transit map and a rough bus timetable we headed out into Kyoto, on the buses.

  • Fushimi Inari Taisha

    Fushimi Inari Taisha

    After the morning, that turned into most of the day, trip to Nara we caught the train back to Kyoto Central. Mum headed back to the hotel, dad and I caught another local train just a few stops to visit Fushimi Inari Taisha. It is a very popular place in Kyoto to visit for locals and tourists. Again, there were people everywhere. There were a lot of people walking around in traditional kimonos, some were locals having what appeared to be graduation photos taken (mortar board, certificate), others were tourists (speaking Chinese, or American). Dad and I joined the throngs people on the walk up the hill through the torii gates.

  • Day trip to Nara

    Day trip to Nara

    The day started with the standard can of coffee and random rice spicy rice thing for breakfast from a convenient convenience store on the way to the station. We caught a local train from Kyoto to Nara, just over an hours trip. I hadn’t previously been to Nara, on my last trip I had stayed in Osaka with a day trip to Kyoto, but not to Nara.
