16 Dec 2018

What photos have I taken?

I haven’t ventured out to purposefully take many photos this week, but the sunset early did warrant me getting my camera out and standing in the driveway. 

I’m glad I bought the Sony RX100 VI for my next trip. Having a 200mm lens in your pocket is brilliant. I think this is what makes the camera more flexible than any other aspect.

What have I been watching?

This week I finished the Sam Esmail drama Homecoming on Amazon Prime. It took a couple of episodes to really start moving, but then it was very easy to binge, and ended brilliantly. 

Without giving anything away, it is about a private facility setup to support veterans who return from active duty to better integrate back into society. Bobby Cannavale from Mr Robot is in it, co-staring opposite Julia Roberts.

Homecoming on Amazon Prime Video is well worth watching.

After finishing Homecoming Prime Video prompted me to try Andromeda. I knew of it, Hercules in space, but had never actually seen it. I have now seen two episodes, and I am not sure how many more I can watch. I don’t know how, but it feels much more dated than Star Trek: TNG, or DS9. 

I’m back watching season 6 of Community. Still not back to its best, but I am enjoying it, and it is an improvement on season 5. They did one thing on a ‘VR Operating System’ and it is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

What have I been playing?

Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch launched this week. It is genuinely amazing. I’ve never been a very good player, mainly a button masher, but I still love it.


I started with just some me vs CPU Smashes before starting the single player ‘story’ mode. The main character is Kirby, and that made me very happy. As I started playing I realised they added on some crazy RPG elements to the story mode that confuse me, and that made me less happy.

I also put some more quality hours (or at least one hour) into Pokemon Let’s Go! I’d been a little stuck, I couldn’t get past a sleeping Snorlax. Pete dropped by for something entirely unrelated to Pokemon, and let me know who I had failed to talk  (the Team Rocket Goon in the pachinko parlour!), and I was then right to head off and complete a few tasks I hadn’t been able to. I’m kind of saving this now for one of my flights in a week’s time.



In the last month or so I (finally) got my green waste bin. Since moving to Canberra I never understood why we didn’t have green waste bins. I think I’ve taken green waste to the tip maybe 3 times in the last 12 years.

Yesterday I started clearing up some of the trees in my front yard. The first time since moving into my home 8 or 9 years ago I’ve done that. For a moment I thought I might understand why people garden, and some even seem to enjoy gardening, but I was mistaken and I didn’t understand.

While I was busy cutting my some sticks to put in the bin I managed to find a giant woody root trying to make its way into my house. It must have been over two metres long. It took my a moment to dig it out of the ground before managing to rip it out of the ground. I hope whatever plant it belonged to knows not to grow roots sideways now.