A very popular attraction in Barcelona is the Magic Fountain. They are outside the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya – National Art Museum of Catalonia in the avenue running down to the Arenas and the Torres Venecianes.
They generally have a performance 3-4 times a week, depending on the season, and were first shown during the Great Universal Exhibition in 1929.

Dad an I packed out backpacks with cameras and tripods before walking up from the Airbnb. There were already crowds forming, and the closer we got there more people there were.

It was very cramped, and everyone was fighting for a good view. I kept my backpack at my feet with the zips in front of me, wary of potential pick pockets, that never eventuated.

Dad and I shuffled closer as the performance went on, until we managed to find ourselves very close to the front, and had just enough space to set up a tripod.

As the music stopped and the fountains turned off the crowds filtered back out into Barcelona and we walked back to the Airbnb.