Fushimi Inari Taisha

After the morning, that turned into most of the day, trip to Nara we caught the train back to Kyoto Central. Mum headed back to the hotel, dad and I caught another local train just a few stops to visit Fushimi Inari Taisha. It is a very popular place in Kyoto to visit for locals and tourists. Again, there were people everywhere. There were a lot of people walking around in traditional kimonos, some were locals having what appeared to be graduation photos taken (mortar board, certificate), others were tourists (speaking Chinese, or American). Dad and I joined the throngs people on the walk up the hill through the torii gates.

The first path opened up to a shrine, a good area for photos with groups in front of things, while holding rolled up scrolls. Dad and I found another path and kept walk up the mountain.

We found another shrine further up the path surrounded by forrest. There was small cat jumping around, so I chased it for a while with camera, dad waited patiently.

Back down the path there was a small water fall that we paused at before making our way back to the train.