On our last day dad wanted to go see the old town square, he had missed it at his conference when mum and I saw it on the first day, so we took a train out to an original gate tower from the old town. There was a small park with some grass and a couple of benches. There wasn’t much of the old wall left, just the tower. We caught a train back to the city and walked into the city square.
Public transport in Brussels is pretty good. There is a good network of local subway trains, buses, and trams. The design and integration is good, with underground tram-stations.

After walking around the City Square we walked through the Galeries having a break for morning tea break at the bakery with the Wi-Fi (whose’ password hadn’t changed) we walked off to find the Comic Strip Museum.
The museum was very interesting, had free Wi-Fi (with the WPA password printed on the ticket) and a lot to look at, but there wasn’t very much on Asterix and Obelix. There was a fair amount on The Smurfs, Tintin, and a number of other comics I’d never heard of.

We had lunch in the museum, where I found the first person in Belgium I’d come across who didn’t speak much English. We still managed to order without too many issues though.

A quick stop at the gift store and we set back off to the hotel on foot.