We got up fairly early in the morning after a decent night’s sleep. Breakfast provided the usual affair of bread, pastries, eggs and fruit. With a polite sign asking that you didn’t make sandwiches to take with you. We got our stuff together and headed off for a walk to Pielpajärvi Wilderness Church. There was another car in the car park before when we set off, so we were pretty sure we were in the right place. The start of the track was a bit rough but was fairly easy going.

After walking for about an hour and a half the track opened up into a meadow with a rest stop near the lake and what we though twas the Wilderness Church on the other side. Walking through the wild flowers bees were buzzing quite loudly.

The original church on this site was built in the 1600’s, but nothing remains of that build. The current wooden building was completed in 1760, and is still one of the oldest buildings in the area. Inside is simple. Whitewashed walls, simple pews and a pulpit, the only thing painted in colour.

On the walk back we past a few more walkers and what we assumed to be a bus load of tourist in a group. When we got back to the car we paused to have a drink, something to eat and tried to kill all the mosquitoes that made it into the car with us. When we got our ticket for Siida we also got a ticket to go on a boat on Lake Inari, so we started to head back towards Siida and the boat.

The boat took us out into the middle of the lake and to a large rock, Ukonkivi. While a long way from anywhere there we still had 3G coverage on our phones:

After climbing to the top and looking around we all piled back onto the boat for the return trip. After a good dinner of another enormous kaba (sans -bread) we planned our trip for the next day. We were driving from Inari to Tromsø, it was going to take at least 9 hours, so we decided to add 45 minutes and 2 ferries to the trip and head north before driving back down the Norwegian coast.