Who said iPads were productive?

So the laptop wont boot/stay operational for more than 30 seconds. Much Googling and attempts to do a verify disk on the SSD resulted in nothing. Even Single User Mode crapped out. Either the SSD or the logic board (motherboard – stupid Apple and their special names…) are dead. The SSD even disappeared from Finder and the Disk Utility. I was concerned and alert, but not alarmed, no I was franking out. I have two tablets on this trip, and one of them has a magical cable that can connect an SD card to it to import photos. So it can still go through some JPGs from my Pentax Q. But I couldn’t process any DNG files from my DSLR.

After about 30min of serious frustration, I went down stairs to start Googling the location of an Apple Retail store in Helsinki. There isn’t one. Plus side – I wouldn’t have to speak to a Genius and explain why I have an รผber fast, larger and non-functional after-market SSD in my laptop. I started checking the prices of a new laptop in โ‚ฌ. Wow. Nearly $700 more than Australia by the time I spec it out to what I need. Not really an option.

Ok, back to Plan B. iPad. These things are magically devices that do stuff right? I can get some DNG processing software – not really. I can still write stuff with it – kind of. Did you know it is really hard to center (misspelled for HTML tags) an image in the WordPress app? Get two images on a row using a table? Nope, that’s not gone well. Whoever said you can be productive on a tablet mustn’t be very productive on a laptop. Also, DNG, I really want to process my photos.