Day 10 was a bit of the rest day. After Lucknow and all the travel the couple of days before we needed it. In the morning we walked back to Mussoorie to order some clothes. Dad was to get some new pants, Mum some tops, and I went to get measured up for a new suit.

On the way in we could see where the last monsoons had washed away part of the mountain. When they clear up the roads again all they do is just move the dirt and rubble over the edge, where it will get washed down further when it next rains. This is the same place they seem to dump all their rubbish.
We stop briefly at a Buddhist shrine at the the start of the bazar. There is quite a large Tibeten population in Mussoorie and Happy Valley.

After getting all measured up for clothes we had lunch at the Clock Tower Cafe, which has some pretty impressive views.

After lunch we got a taxi back up to the school. This one didn’t have any issues with their clutch. Dad went off to interview some kids with Howard, I just sat around downloading photos from my memory cards.